Questions To Ask When Quoting a House Cleaning Job
Lilian | October 9, 2022

Questions To Ask When Quoting a House Cleaning Job, Potential Client or When Cleaning Someones Home.
When first starting, it’s a good idea to keep a list of questions with you until you have them memorized. This way, you will always be prepared and never forget to ask important questions. Be Cheerful, Friendly, and Professional when you’re on the phone. It’s best to let the client do most of the talking while you listen. You’ll learn a lot that way but be careful; sometimes clients will have bad things to say about other cleaning services. Even if you fully agree with what they’re saying, don’t ever bad-mouth another business. Nodding in agreement while in person or responding with a “Mm-hmm” is fine, but anything more is very unprofessional.
Occasionally you may come across a client that expected too much or is never satisfied, which is why asking the right questions is so important. Here are some samples of what you should ask all potential clients.
- What’s the square footage of your home?
- How many bathrooms?
- How many bedrooms?
- Is there a finished basement? Will it need cleaning?
- Are there any pets in your home? How many, and what kind?
- Are you looking to have a regular cleaning service?
- Or are you looking for a one-time clean?
At this point, I would provide an hourly quote with an estimation of how many hours it would take for the initial cleaning. I do mention that if we can clean it quicker, the price would of course be adjusted. If they decide they would like to book a cleaning, I then follow up with the next available opening followed by:
- Will someone be home to let us in? If not, how will we gain access to your home? Will the key be left somewhere, or is there a garage code to gain access through the garage? * Of course, don’t forget to ask for the address? *
- What would be the preferred method of payment (e-transfer, credit card, or cash)
Remember to ask: How did you hear about us? You want to know how clients are finding you. This allows you to focus your marketing efforts in the areas that are converting for you.
Asking the right questions allows you to know what you are walking into and assures the client that you are an experienced cleaner that they can trust.
About Lilian

Hi, my name is Lilian and I run a successful house cleaning business that makes over $2,000 every week! Learn step by step exactly how I did it by CLICKING HERE